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9th September - 16th September 2018
Drumvaich Cottage Fishing
The let of Drumvaich Cottage comes with Salmon fishing on the river Rappach and Trout fishing on Lochan Sheumais. By request through the Estate keeper, fishing may be possible on the Estate's other hill lochs at the discretion of the Corriemulzie Lodge tenants.
The River Rappach
The Rappach is a breathtaking stretch of river that offers a variety of fishing, from sweeping gravel banked pools to rocky runs that are carved into the ancient layered rock. Fly fishing on this river will undoubtedly give you the experience of being in true Scottish wilderness. Be it by casting a longer line over a slow moving pool, or by dabbling the fly in a fast narrow run, the fly fishing here will always excite. A Salmon caught on this secluded river is likely never to be forgotten.
Lochan Sheumais

Drumvaich tenants love this loch as access is good and the fishing can be great, especially if you hook into one of the stocked Rainbow Trout. Situated close to the Cottage, tenants often pop up here after a day on the river to make the most of the evening hatch.
- Access: 5min walk from the car park
- Fishing: From the bank or by boat (outboard provided)
- Fish: Rainbow and Brown Trout
- Shelter: A wooden anglers hut